Allergy Trivia

Are you ready for Allergy Trivia? My favorite time of the year is spring and fall. My most dreadful months are spring and fall. During those two months my seasonal allergies flare up and it takes control of my life. I can’t go out for a walk or run, can’t do any yard work. I can’t enjoy the BBQ smell. The list goes on and on. 

The shocking part is that I decided to take a quiz on allergies and to my dismay, I got a 1/10 score. My reaction was what???? I started to take more and more quizzes to learn more about allergies and got my life back.

I decided to write this book for people to enjoy trivia questions at the same time get enough knowledge to handle their allergies. 

This book contains 9 chapters dealing with different allergies:

  • Seasonal allergy
  • Medicine allergy
  • Food allergy
  • Pet allergy

And so much more…..

Each chapter has a small description of a specific allergy and 15 multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and True and false questions.

 I am pretty sure many people relate to these major allergy issues at some point in life and are not aware of what is causing the allergy and how to cope with it. This book will be an eye-opener. 

As far back as I can remember I have suffered from severe seasonal allergies. I don’t remember much about my childhood but my mom told me about many episodes that occurred in my life due to allergies. In all my childhood photos I am seen wearing a sweater because I always have a runny nose or sneezing and my parents always thought I had a cold.

As I grow older, my allergies grow worst. It was controlling my life. I just couldn’t do anything or go anywhere. It came to the point where I had to quit my job. 

 Since the pandemic I have stayed home and very rarely would go out, I have started doing online shopping and groceries, online doctor appointments, and started an online business. Everything virtual nothing in public because of the fear of allergies flaring up. 

A few years back, I almost lost my life. I got so sick that my doctor didn’t figure out what is happening. My whole body was slowly shutting down. I had 10 doctors with different specialties looked at me and still, no one knows what is wrong with me.

Finally, my doctor said only one doctor is left. That doctor was Lung, the Allergy specialist. I went to see him and after checking me and hearing all the symptoms I was showing. He gave me 4 different inhalers to take. Those inhalers by the mercy of God saved me. I got my life back. So in the end, it was the allergies. Nothing else.

I decided to take the quiz on allergies to see how much I know but to my utter disappointment. The result I got only one answer correct from the 10 questions. I began to think since I have allergies and I don’t know much about this topic then maybe so many people out there may not know either. 

This is why I decided to write this “test your knowledge book” to help spread the knowledge of allergies.

So what are the Allergies?

Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance — such as pollen, pet dander, or food. Your immune system produces antibodies. When you have allergies, antibodies identify an allergen as harmful, even though it isn’t. Your immune system’s reaction can inflame your skin, sinuses, airways, or digestive system.

Allergies vary from person to person and can range from minor irritation to anaphylaxis ( life-threatening emergency). There is no cure for most allergies, but many treatments are available to help relieve allergy symptoms.

I hope this book will help you get the knowledge of allergies so you can control your life and have a great happy and healthy future. 

Enjoy your test! Find your answers in the back.