Olive oil is high in monounsaturated essential fatty acids and vitamin E, as well as common fatty acids.

If you’re having problem with dry, unhealthy or end split hair, then we are here to help you get a healthy hair. It is inexpensive but very effective.

Benefits of Olive Oil for Your Hair?

Fatty acids and vitamin E soften and smooth the surface of the hair to lubricate and decrease snagging and tangling.Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil, 6 oz, 2 pk
Fatty acid acts as a natural conditioner, the vitamin E fights off the free-radical damage from sunlight and pollution.

Benefits of consuming Olive Oil

And while it provides benefits when applied to hair and body, it also contains health benefits when consumed in food Having a daily dose of olive oil helped reduce pro-inflammatory in the body.Organic Hair Growth Oils for Hair Thickening by Hair Thickness Maximizer. Best Treatment for Hair Loss, Thinning Hair. Infused with All Organic Black Castor Oil, jojoba, Argan Oil, And More
Using it in your diet increase omega-3 fats that helps both hair and skin’s elasticity.”

Why use the Olive oil on your hair

1. Less Dandruff
Olive oil help soften dandruff flakes. And using this oil on the scalp also helps lessen the itching and inflammation.
“Massage the oil into your dry scalp and comb out dandruff flakes. “Leave it in your hair for extra conditioning.”

2. Helps decrease Split Ends
The best way to get rid of split ends is to use olive oil as an excellent first-line defense in keeping split ends at bay by nourishing and softening your hair.

3. Strength and Shine
It has the ability to nourish the hair from the inside as it locks moisture in. As the hair begins to mend the shine comes back. The essential nutrients and fatty acids also helps in strengthening hair from the root to the tip.
People like my husband who use it on his hair daily notices that his hair has becomes softer and more manageable and his hair grows in much faster, thicker and denser.

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4. Managing hair and Softness with hair Masque
As the oil goes deep down in the hair shaft, it starts to feel soft by locking in the hydration. As hair softens it becomes more manageable and easier to style.  Olive oil is good for all hairs however, they are especially good for naturally frizzy, curly, damaged or color-treated hair.

5.Choosing the right Olive Oil for Your Hair
Extra-virgin is the best type there is to use, as it contains no additives. Choose organic, pure extra-virgin, high-quality, unrefined and non-GMO. Palmers Olive Oil Formula Smoothing Shampoo 400ml & Replenishing Conditioner 250ml Pack

6.How to Use it in Your Hair
Olive oil could get greasy. therefore, use a little water with shampoo to get any oil out of your hair completely.

Blending Olive Oil with other essential oils

It can be blended with essential oils. It’s hair care benefits can be very effective. Mixing a couple of drops of lavender, peppermint or rosemary will stimulate the growth. For falling out hair, using cedarwood and thyme can help stop hair loss. Lemongrass will help clear up dandruff flakes while clary sage oil helps accelerate hair growth and prevent breakage.

Allergy Alert:

Just to be on a safe side, it’s recommended you do an allergy test first by leaving a small drop of the essential oil on the back of your hand for 30 minutes before applying to your scalp. Rinse off, and then shampoo as normal.

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