Autism Awareness

what is an Autism?

Autism Awareness, (ASD), is a disorder that affects the individual’s social skills and motor skills. Study has shown that one out of every sixty-eight children within the United States is autistic.

It is called the spectrum disorder because of its wide variety of types.

Diagnose:Autism: The Musical

The autism become most evident between the ages of two and three. However, it can be diagnosed as early as eighteen months old.

How can you tell who is autistic? 

  • Autistic person has difficulties holding social interactions
  • Can’t making eye contact, and their body language is different
  • lack of empathy
  • Don’t have same interest as their peers
  • They are mostly nonverbal
  • very specific with same topics, routines and repetitive behaviors.

Cause of Autism:

There are still no enough evidence to know what is the exact cause for autism.  However, there are two factors genetic and environmental that contribute to the cause of Autism

Treatment For Autism:Autism: What Does It Mean to Me?: A Workbook Explaining Self Awareness and Life Lessons to the Child or Youth with High Functioning Autism or Aspergers

ASD happen in all ethnic, racial people. Although it is a lifelong. It can be treatment with help from professionals. Some treatment methods include medications, behavioral training and social skills training.

For information on support groups, to get more autism awareness contact the Autism Society of America.