Homemade Disinfectant Spray

Homemade disinfectant spray is nowhere to be found in stores. I have spent yesterday all day going from store to store trying to find a disinfectant to clean my house from the COVID-19 (coronavirus).  However, no luck. I came home empty handed.

Since I had no choice, I decided to make my own homemade disinfectant spray. Many common household cleaning products can kill the coronavirus. However, using it properly is the key.

Experts at Consumer Reports, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other organizations have shown the products that can help protect us against the coronavirus.

“Regular cleaning with normal cleaning supplies does a great job of removing all kinds of germs, not just coronavirus, from surfaces,” said Catherine Roberts, associate health editor at Consumer Reports. “Focus on high-touch areas — that’s faucet handles, doorknobs, stair rails and countertops — the things that you have your hands on all the time.”

Natural Ingredients:

Homemade disinfectant spray is made from all natural ingredients because you will find most of the ingredients laying around the house. They are free of toxic chemicals. Homemade natural cleaners are environment friendly and can be used everywhere you desire without worrying about the harsh chemicals..

Difference between cleaning and disinfecting:

The difference between cleaning and disinfecting is that cleaning removes germs. Disinfecting kills germs completely. Both steps is necessary to prevent the spread of disease.

Soap and water

Just plain soap and water work. The soap removes the viral particles that have attached themselves to surfaces — soap not only remove the germs from surfaces, but also kill them.

“The virus has an outside coating , and the stuff inside — DNA or RNA  is what actually causes the disease. It’s kind of like the casing on a bomb or torpedo,” Sachleben explained. “For a virus, that coating is a protein, and the soap or detergent break up that coating, so the virus spills its guts and falls apart.”

Hydrogen Peroxide is one of the great ingredients to use as a coronavirus disinfectant.

  • 1/4 cup 3% hydrogen peroxide 12% Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade - 2-8 oz Bottles - Recommended by The One Minute Cure Book
  • 1 cup of water
  • Spray bottle

Mix the ingredients and  pour in a sprayer. Spray on the surface and let the solution sit for at least one minute before wiping away.

Another homemade disinfectant solution is made with bleach instead of hydrogen peroxide.

  • 1/3 cup of bleach
  • 1 gallon of cold water
  • sprayer

Be careful when dealing with bleach as most materials will be damaged if exposed to bleach. Make sure to wear gloves to apply the disinfectant. Use the liquid within 24 hours, as time weakens the solution. Household bleach is ideal for sterilizing most surfaces.


Please remember never mix ammonia or other cleaning product with bleach! Other natural home remedies that include ingredients like vinegar, witch hazel, and tea tree oil for disinfecting are not effective against COVID-19 unfortunately.

Many people prefer to clean with vinegar.  Consumer Reports cautions: “There is no evidence that they are effective against coronavirus.”

Many people clean with vinegar. It’s cheap and natural. Cleaning recommendations are easy to find online, but Consumer Reports cautions: “There is no evidence that they are effective against coronavirus.”

“Despite what you may have seen on social media, vodka is not effective at sanitizing, nor are any other types of distilled spirits”.

“Please, do not use vodka to clean your surfaces,” Roberts said. “The concentration of alcohol in vodka is not high enough to kill viruses.”